Who's Who in
Law Academia

28697 members found

Alexandra L. Campbell-Ferrari, Lecturer
George Washington University
George Washington University Law School

Jean Campeau, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Civil Law

Regis W. Campfield, Professor
Southern Methodist University
Dedman School of Law

Peter Campia, Lecturer
Northeastern University
Northeastern University School of Law

Angela Campion, Professor
Marquette University
Marquette University Law School

Jennifer Campion, Lecturer
University of Waikato
School of Law

Joseph Campisi, Adjunct Professor
York University
Osgoode Hall Law School

ALFRED CAMPOS, Adjunct Professor
Western New England University
Western New England College School of Law

Paul F. Campos, Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Colorado School of Law

Sergio Campos, Professor
Boston College
Boston College Law School

Sergio J. Campos, Associate Professor
University of Miami
University of Miami School of Law

Greg Canada, Professor
Indiana University
Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington

Larry G Canada, Adjunct Professor
University of Alabama
School of Law

Roger Canaff, Professor
Saint John's University, Jamaica New York
St. John`s University School of Law

Taylor Jay Canann, Lecturer
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas School of Law


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