Who's Who in
Law Academia

28697 members found

Rosemary Cairns Way, Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Common Law

David Calabrese, Lecturer
George Washington University
George Washington University Law School

Gina M. Calabrese, Assistant Professor
Saint John's University, Jamaica New York
St. John`s University School of Law

Guido Calabresi, Emeritus Professor
Yale University
Yale Law School

Jennifer Calamia, Adjunct Professor
Hofstra University
Hofstra University School of Law

Irene Calboli, Professor
Texas A&M University - College Station
School of Law

Gregory A. Caldeira, Professor
Ohio State University
Michael E. Moritz College of Law

David Calder, Professor
University of Mississippi
University of Mississippi School of Law

Gillian Calder, Professor
University of Victoria
Faculty of Law

Michael Calder, Adjunct Professor
Duquesne University
Duquesne University School of Law

Louis E. Caldera, Adjunct Professor
American University
American University Washington College of Law

Carlos Calderon, Professor
South Texas College of Law
South Texas College of Law

Beth Caldwell, Professor
Southwestern School of Law
Southwestern University School of Law

Elizabeth G. Caldwell, Adjunct Professor
New York University
New York University School of Law

Harry M. Caldwell, Professor
Pepperdine University
Pepperdine University School of Law


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