Who's Who in
Law Academia

28697 members found

Julien Busque, Lecturer
Laval University
Department of Law

Emily Buss, Professor
University of Chicago
The University of Chicago Law School

William G. Buss, Professor
University of Iowa
University of Iowa College of Law

Daniel J. Bussel, Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Hastings College of Law

Barry Bussey, Adjunct Associate Professor
University of Notre Dame Australia
School of Law

Manny Bustamante, Adjunct Professor
Phoenix School of Law
School of Law

Tajul Aris Ahmad Bustami, Assistant Professor
International Islamic University Malaysia
Public Law Department

Jean-Nicolas Bustros, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Common Law

Bradley W. Butcher, Adjunct Professor
Ave Maria School of Law
Ave Maria School of Law

Sarah Butcher, Senior Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Law and Justice

Anita Butera, Assistant Professor
Canisius College
School of Law

Rhain Buth, Lecturer
Flinders University
School of Law

JAMES BUTHMAN, Associate Professor
Hartwick College
Department of Legal Studies

Tony Buti, Lecturer
Murdoch University
School of Law

A. Hays Butler, Emeritus Professor
Rutgers University at Camden
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey School of Law Camden


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