Who's Who in
Law Academia

28697 members found

Tore Bråthens, Professor
University of Tromso
Faculty of Law

André Braën, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Civil Law

Erin Braatz, Associate Professor
Suffolk University
Suffolk University Law School

Marian G. Braccia, Professor
Temple University
James E. Beasley School of Law

Randolph Braccialarghe, Professor
Nova Southeastern University
Shepard Broad Law Center

Christopher Bracey , Professor
George Washington University
The George Washington University Law School

Christopher Bracey, Professor
George Washington University
George Washington University Law School

Baruch Bracha, Professor
Tel Aviv University
The Buchmann Faculty of Law

Oren Bracha, Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas School of Law

Jeremie Bracka, Associate Lecturer
Monash University
School of Law

Toni Brackin, Associate Professor
University of Southern Queensland
School of Law and Justice

Megan Lynn Brackney, Adjunct Professor
New York University
New York University School of Law

Rebecca Bradfield, Senior Lecturer
University of Tasmania
Faculty of Law

John T. Bradford, Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois College of Law

Mark Bradford, Professor
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul
School of Law


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